Pet Gala 2023
Jackson, a fluffy friend who will always make you smile! Rosie, post manicure, shine is my favorite color! Millie, remaining calm and serene! Pablo, a French masterpiece of a dog!
Jackson, a fluffy friend who will always make you smile! Rosie, post manicure, shine is my favorite color! Millie, remaining calm and serene! Pablo, a French masterpiece of a dog!
Bonnie and Maisie looking a little bit apprehensive. Maisie warm and dry in her towel Bonnie quite happy with her new shower
We have worked with Innovate UK Edge and the National Composite Centre to create a mould so that the Incredible Dog Shower can now be produced using RIFT manufacture, Gordon McDonough, Senior Innovation and Growth Specialist from Innovate UK EDGE who empower innovation-driven businesses, said that he has been working with Rebecca and Mark for